3.2 Online Life Quality Articles (READ) Below are a list of Online Articles that

Health & Medical

Important - Read this before proceeding

These instructions are based on a task we've worked on previously. If you're looking for an answer to the same assignment, you'll need to submit an order on our writers' platform to receive a unique paper that you can confidently present as your own work. Read our "How It Works" page for more information.

3.2 Online Life Quality Articles (READ)

Below are a list of Online Articles that you are required to read but more importantly, I hope you will find interesting and will use as a resource.

Pay attention to the creation date on the first article, at the bottom. There is a very important reason I chose this article.

Ask yourself, “How are we doing as Californians? Have these been met yet?”

3.2 Valued Outcomes for Californians with Disabilities

Download Valued Outcomes for Californians with Disabilities

This next resources are great resource and great for anyone you would like to education about disability including yourself:

Disability is Natural Diagnosis Does Not Define The Person – YOUTUBE Video Kathie SnowLinks to an external site.

Disability Is Natural Website ArticleLinks to an external site.


Below are two articles you are responsible for. The first one explains what People First Language is and why it is critical. You will also want to understand how to use people first language because when not used in the course, you will not earn full credit on assignments.

The second article, Is it Just Semantics? is a site that is user friendly and seeks to bring to the table how important semantics is especially when you are a member of any marginalized group.

People First LauguageLinks to an external site.


Is It Just Semantics?Links to an external site.https://www.disabilityisnatural.com/semantics.html

3.3 Life Quality and Respect (GRADED DISCUSSION)

Quality of Life (QOL) is defined as, “aspects of your life that make it worthwhile to you”.
Please list at least 2 of the QOL indicators mentioned in the articles or slides.
Explain why you feel these are so important for individuals with disabilities

You must answer all the questions to receive full credit for this Discussion Board.
The first and most important is to answer all parts of the assignment.
Second, spell check your work.
Third, use people first language.


I need two of the same discussion boards completed (for different people, same assignment)