Conduct a detailed case study involving a functional behavior assessment. Instr


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Conduct a detailed case study involving a functional behavior assessment.

Instructions –

  1. Select a Case: Choose an individual with challenging behavior (this could be a real-life case with permission or a hypothetical scenario).
  2. Describe the Behavior: Provide a detailed description of the behavior, including frequency, intensity, and context.
  3. Conduct an Indirect Assessment: Gather information using interviews or questionnaires from individuals familiar with the case (e.g., parents, teachers, caregivers).
  4. Direct Observation: Collect ABC data over several observation sessions.
  5. Identify the Function: Based on the data collected, determine the function of the behavior.
  6. Develop an Intervention Plan: Propose an intervention strategy tailored to the identified function of the behavior.

Requirements –

  1. Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  2. The submission must be APA 7 formatted.
  3. The assignment should be 4-7 pages (not including the title page and reference page)
  4. Please include a title page, reference page, and in-text citations as needed.

Grading Rubric

Selection of Case

2 pts – Clear, appropriate, and well-justified choice of case, with explicit permissions where necessary.

Description of Behavior

3 pts – Thorough and detailed description including frequency, intensity, and context.

Direct Observation (ABC Data Collection)

5 pts – Extensive and accurate ABC data collected over several sessions, thoroughly documented.

Functional Analysis

5 pts – Thorough and systematic manipulation of antecedents and consequences, well-documented. Clear, accurate, and well-supported identification of the behavior’s function based on data.

Intervention Plan

5 pts – Comprehensive, well-tailored intervention strategy clearly based on identified function.

5 pts – APA format – clearly written, title page, reference page, in-text citations, page requirements, free from errors