Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburba

Business and Management

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Healing Hands Hospital is an acute care community hospital that serves a suburban community outside of a large city with two competing large academic medical centers. Both Healing Hands Hospital and the academic medical centers have a long history of service to the region, but their business and fundamental practices are different. Your manager, Ms. Woods, Healing Hands’ Chief Operating Officer (COO), is part of the task force working on the strategic plan for the hospital and needs to understand the fundamental practices of these academic medical centers. 
You have been tasked with providing this information for Ms. Woods in a 1-2-page paper that discusses the similarities and differences between academic medical centers and acute care community hospitals. Your paper should address each of the following prompts below:
Explain the similarities and differences between the mission of an academic medical center versus the mission of an acute community hospital.   
Discuss the similarities and differences in the staffing and management structure of an academic medical center versus an acute community hospital.  Note: You will want to consider what type of staff an academic medical center would have that a community hospital may not have. 
Explain the similarities and differences in the Reimbursement model(s) that are used in academic medical centers versus an acute community hospital.
Be sure to document your references using APA format.