Purpose: The goal of this discussion is to provide a song that shows (Literary A


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Purpose: The goal of this discussion is to provide a song that shows (Literary Analysis )It has to have it if not it will not be acceptable it will be the basis of this essay.

The following information is needed.

  • Provide details of the song such as the title of the song, the singer/author, the album name, and the year release
  • State & explain the surface meaning of the song. What is the song most commonly discussing?
  • Explain the deeper significance of the song. Answer questions in relation to what the song can teach beyond the surface meaning.

Length: 3.5 pages + Works Cited page (minimum 6 sources) + Lyrics page

  • Header: 5 lines
  • Introduction: 12 lines minimum; 2 Sources
  • Theme: 12 lines minimum; 1 Source
  • Tone: 12 lines minimum; 1 Source
  • Evidence #1: 15 lines minimum; 1 Source
  • Evidence #2:15 lines minimum; 1 Source
  • Conclusion: 5 lines minimum
  • Lyrics: Full lyrics
  • Purpose: The final body paragraphs should focus on evidence to support the thesis. For example, evidence may be in the form of a literary device (term) which can help explain/prove that your thesis is correct or focus on a concept with the song represents and proves your thesis is correct.• An essay may have body paragraphs discussing symbols, diction, and allusion (or any of the literary devices). The topic sentence for each body paragraph should state how the literary device connects to the thesis. For example, if the song is autobiographical i might say “The allusions within the lyrics represent references to the singers upbringing”. If considering which literary devices to select for the new paragraphs, don’t necessarily choose the ones which have the most examples. Sometimes three examples of a literary device is enough if you properly explain them.
  • If the thesis is based on a theory or concept, then evidence can be in the form of aspects (images, characteristics, references, etc.) found within the song.
  • For “Seratonin” the characteristics of depression were used. For “I Drive Your Truck”, characteristics of masculinity or stages of grief could be used.
  • Sources: Use at least one source per body paragraph. If you look up the meaning of images within the lyrics to understand a possible symbol which connects to your ideas, that is a source which should be cited. If you look up an unfamiliar references to a person, place, or thing that should be a source as well. If You look up an unfamiliar word and use the information in you essay, that is a source to cite.
    IMPORTANT: Do Not Mention The Music Video In Your Essay.