Using SLIDE 5 from Chapter 4 as a guide (the slide is uploaded PLS LOOK AT IT) C

Business and Management

Important - Read this before proceeding

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Using SLIDE 5 from Chapter 4 as a guide (the slide is uploaded PLS LOOK AT IT)
Choose a company
that is widely regarded as “excellent”. Identify the sources of that
excellence and relate it to the material discussed in this class. Be sure to
answer the following (you do not need to answer them in this order, but you
must answer all of them):
• Which building block(s) does the company seem to focus on
to make them excellent? The building blocks are superior efficiency, quality,
innovation, and responsiveness to customers.
• What strategies does this company use to take advantage of
the building block?
• Be sure to discuss what VALUE the company provides
to its customers. Would you consider the company a low-cost company or are they
a differentiator? Explain. differentiator is a unique feature,
aspect, and/or benefit of your product or service that sets it apart from
competing brands. A low-cost company is a pricing strategy in which a
company offers a relatively low price to stimulate demand and gain market share.
• Answer the THREE QUESTIONS of who, what, and how in regard
to customers. The three questions are: Who are the company’s customers? What are
the customer’s needs? How does the company meet those needs?
• Identify any of the capabilities, resources, and
distinctive competencies (a superior characteristic, strength, or quality that
distinguishes a company from its competitors) this company holds.
Your essay requires
an introduction and conclusion. NO use of bullets, numbers, etc..
Answer the question fully, and PROVIDE EXAMPLES AS NEEDED.
You do not need to do this as a research paper (works cited is not required,
however, if you are using specific information from the company site or another
source you must cite that).
USE COSTCO as the company chosen in the essay!!!!