Why do you want to attend California Baptist University? Describe in 250 words o

Medicine and Health

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Why do you want to attend California Baptist University? Describe in 250 words or less.
Do you have any experience with global health engagement (providing service to medically disadvantaged populations domestically or internationally)? YES   Volunteer-Africa Kenya Medical Outreach                                                                                     06/02/24-06/13/24                                                                                                           Kenya,AF 
Medical Program Volunteer Opportunities
Africa Mission Services Community Health Clinic and Birth Center 
Larger medical groups organize mobile clinics in remote villages.
Clinics catered to various conditions, from tree-based to classrooms or churches.
On average, 100-200 patients were seen at the bush clinics.
Conditions include respiratory, eye, ear, nose, throat, skin, tropical diseases, chronic illnesses, and acute infections.
Please provide a short description of your global health engagement experience – Location/Need/Service Provided (200 characters or less).