Write a 2000 word book report about Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative


Important - Read this before proceeding

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Write a 2000 word book report about Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano.
Do not use any additional sources, and use in-text citations and direct quotes where relevant and necessary, and use Chicago author/date style citation. Please be specific when citing from the work (use chapter, page number, or paragraph number so that I can easily navigate to the information you’re citing when I review the submission before handing it in). 
The report’s main focus should be on discussing Equiano’s perceptions of the Africa he knew and of the Atlantic social world he travelled in the heyday of slavery. 
Do not write a “review” in the sense used by the entertainment sections of newspapers and popular magazines, in which reviewers merely state what they like or dislike about a film or book. In the context of this course and these credit assignments, “review” means writing about a historical autobiography in ways that demonstrate thought and reflection on their place and significance in the context (e.g., historical, contemporary) from which each of these texts has emerged. 
Here is a link that takes you to an open access publication of the book: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/15399/15399-h/15399-h.htm